Friday, March 30, 2007

Mmmmhmm Colorado . . .

I love Colorado. Them wicked-cool mountains to the west . . . The bright pink sun rising in the east . . . Makes for a very cool sight on a clear March morning. Like today. Pikes Peak was looking mighty fine. Or as I like to call it, Pikes Pink.

It's too bad that these pictures [while cool] don't do it justice. Come over any time, you can check it out from our balcony.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Say hello to Havanah!

I met my new little friend on Sunday. She's five weeks old here, so I won't get her for a few weeks, but she sure was cute!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ahh ... family.

We're getting pretty darn good at these annual Christmas photos.

Monday, March 12, 2007

South Carolina Trip

This Bald Eagle was hanging out in the tree right outside my room one morning. We saw 5 or 6 of them while we were down there. They are simply magnificent . . . enormous and graceful.
One day we went on a gator hunt. We went tromping through this wildlife refuge, just walking on the trails. These gigantic alligators were just hanging out next to the trails, by the water. I was too scared to get any closer than like 30 feet but we could have walked right up and petted them (although it wasn't recommended). It was awesome.
This spider was on the floor next to my bed one night. I was laying there very close to being asleep and then I saw it and was all of a sudden very much not even close to being asleep. That is a AA battery. This sucker was a monster - probably half tarantula. And that was South Carolina!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Snow Shoes

Here is a picture of us going up Hadley Mt. using our snow shoes! It was pretty flippin' sweet to get out in the woods in the middle of winter. We had an ice storm on Friday so the trees were coated with ice. Saturday was a really warm day and as we were hiking up the mt. long pieces of ice started coming off the branches overhead every time a gust of wind came up. Zach got hit buy one so hard that it knocked his feet out from under him(he was okay). Fun stuff.


Here are two pictures of one of the moose we saw while we were driving in Maine. Which means that we didn't really lose the pictures, these are the real deal. Pretty sweet.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm Engaged!

On March 1, 2006 I got my first boyfriend.
On March 1, 2007 he turned into my fiancé!

Moosen Are Cool.

As requested, here is the picture of the moose we saw while we were driving through Maine. Obviously this is not the original photograph but rather an attempt to recreate what we lost due to technical difficulties. We hope that this representation will allow you to fully appreciate the splender of the gentle giant that is the moose.