Saturday, April 28, 2007

Torino, Italy

Europe always brings out the romance in me.
Every single building in Torino is the Baroque style. It was beautiful.
The Po River
We stumbled upon an outdoor market selling meats and cheeses. It doesn't get any more Italian than that!
Justin eats his crepe. Mmmm ...
When your car is 2.5 feet long, you can park it however you want. My friend Ruth, who works in Compassion's Italy office.
These last two photos are from Frankfurt, Germany. If you look closely at the menu, you can see a wide variety of Rump and Loin dishes. Who's hungry?
The Opera House downtown.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beer, baby!

Just in case you were wondering, this photo was not staged.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Havana Overload'

At risk of everybody going into puppy overload . . . here are some more pics of 'Harvy' when we were puppy-sitting last Saturday.

Oh how cute! Their collars match! [And their eyes, strangely enough]

She sure is cute. Darn cute!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

The new love of my life.

New camera + new puppy = lots of pictures.

Havana was just as into The Amazing Race as I was.

Monday, April 02, 2007

A Week to Remember

I just spent one of the most amazing weeks of my life in Honduras. It was my five year anniverary trip with Compassion. Here are a few photos...

My new friend Jamie and me waiting for our kiddos!

Getting a little loopy on the plane ride home.

And now the real reason I went to Honduras ...

This is Karina, the girl I sponsor. I recognized her as soon as I saw her radiant smile. It's a moment I'll never forget.

We spent the day at a water park. We are taking a break from swimming for lunch.

Karina will be 13 this month and she is the most beautiful girl. I'm blown away that God chose me to be her sponsor!

We had to say goodbye waaay too soon. But I'll be back. For sure.

I'm telling you ... you guys HAVE to sponsor a child. I've never done anything more rewarding in my life.

Sponsor your child!