Saturday, December 30, 2006

Where the heck do we put all this snow?

Okay, seriously. This is getting a bit ridiculous.

The entrance to my townhome complex.

Thanks to our HOA dues, we can actually access our garages and front doors.

This house is around the corner from mine. Imagine the shock they'll have when they get home from vacation. Where's our house???

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bekah is Wonder Woman.

Congratulations to my cousin Ben and his wife Bekah, and their new baby Jonah!

I share a special bond with this little guy. (Okay, he's not so little - he was born at ... drumroll, please ... over 11 pounds!!!)

Anyway, Jonah and I are both the first of a generation in the Moore family.

THIS is community.

We recently had our Community Group (a hipper name for a small group) Christmas Party at our house. Although Ugly Sweater parties seemed to be the big thing this year, we decided to stick with the more traditional White Elephant Gift Exchange. (Quick question - does anyone know the origen of the name White Elephant?) Here is a photo of our group with the gifts. (Notice my gift ... I'm modeling it - apparently there's just no getting away from the proverbial ugly sweater.

Oh, you need a closer look? Here you go.

Friday, December 15, 2006

I heart San Diego!

Recently I traveled to Orange County, CA for my job. While there, I decided to take a few extra days and drive down to San Diego to visit my sister Sara.

After a breakfast of the famous Coast Toast, we walked around La Jolla.
Who doesn't love it here???
We ate an awesome dinner at this restaurant called Forever Fondue. We had cheese fondue, meat and veggie fondue and then this incredible chocolate dessert fondue. My favorite was the rice crispie treat squares!