Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ode to my Waterpik shower head.

Lucious downpour of hot water galore
Like a tropical monsoon on my head.
I now rush to begin my morning routine,
where before it always filled me with dread.

It began in a hotel in downtown Madrid.
where everything was modern and new.
The bathroom was by far the funkiest room,
the decor as though from 2022.

We had to arise at the buttcrack of dawn,
our flight so as not to miss.
And though when we awoke, we wanted to die,
the rainfall-like shower was such sweet bliss!

From that moment on, my shower "bar" raised,
I vowed it would never be the same.
The regular shower head and it's piddly spray
seemed from that moment on totally lame.

A few weeks later at a local store,
while in the home furnishings aisle,
my eyes beheld, and I impusively bought,
the Waterpik, wearing the world's largest smile.

Oh lucious downpour of hot water galore
Like a tropical monsoon on my head.
I now rush to begin my morning routine,
where before it always filled me with dread.

(Inspired by my newly acquired WaterPik rainfall shower head.)


Christer said...

Next time I'm dirty and need to get clean
when I'm ready to cleanse my head,
I'll forgo my shower and it's piddly stream
and come use your 'monsoon' instead.

[[right on]]

Josh Osborne said...

I have shower head envy.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! You should. It's pretty sweet.

Suzanne said...

I think every poem should include the words "buttcrack of dawn."